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Anna Tidén

Senior lecturer


Phone: +46 70-248 40 32

Visiting address: Lidingövägen 1

Belongs to: Department of Movement, Culture and Society, Section for Physical Education and Health


Read more about my interests in research.

In my dissertation "Assessments of young people's mobility: A sports science problematization and validation" I study various aspects of children's and young people's mobility ability, including how movement ability is written and assessed in the subject of physical education and health, as well as in tests and assessment tools.

The focus is also on how the content of movement tests has consequences for who is considered to have or not have a good ability to move.

Furthermore, it is studied how assessed developed and less developed mobility ability at the age of 15 is related to taste and interest in physical activity nine years later.

I am also a participant in the research group Research in Education & Movement Culture, which is an interdisciplinary research group that conducts research in the humanities and social sciences on movement, culture and society.

Other information

Part-time leave of absence.

  • Lecturer in sports methodology.
  • Teaching in ball games and outdoor life, methodology and didactics, supervisor training.
  • Portal director/director of studies and responsible for the revision of the coaching program, 2001–2003.
  • Included in the School-Sports-Health study since its inception in 2000.
  • Coordinator at RF's elite sports center at the Swedish Sports Confederation, Bosön.
  • Responsible for RF's elite sports support to SF, regional elite sports centers and RF elite sports centers, 2003–2005.
  • Physical Education Teacher, Physical Education, Komvux, Åsö Adult Upper Secondary School, Stockholm, 2001–2003.
  • Physical education teacher, primary and secondary schools, 1985–1995, Stockholm.
  • Assignments in the sports movement in practice and theory. Children's and youth sports, practical training theory and training, ball games and ball game teaching, leadership and coaching, and outdoor life.
  • Team Manager for the women's national team, ice hockey, 2004–2005.
  • Chairman of the Swedish School of Sport Sciences Golf Club.

Athletic merits

Handball at elite level, various team ball games, golf, skiing, horseback riding and outdoor activities.


Academic title

PhD in Sport Science