our research groupsResearch groups
GIH has a tradition of prominent multidisciplinary research with excellence in research issues in a broad spectrum, from biochemistry to sports history.
We study physical activity, sustainability and brain health in collaboration with industry, health care and schools. We want to understand the underlying physiological and psychological mechanisms, how physical activity relates to brain health, and how physical activity can be pr...
The Research in Education & Movement Culture research group, REMO, is an interdisciplinary research group conducting research within the humanities and social sciences on topics involving movement, culture, and society.
We study sports performance and training, from molecules to humans in motion. During the past year, an intense interdisciplinary research, innovation, and educational environment has been built around exercise, health, and performance development, SPERIC-S.
The Swedish Parasport Academy is a collaborative environment between academia, companies, sports, the rehabilitation sector, and society with the aim of contributing to increased active lifestyle and sports participation for people with impairment.
The HPI group at GIH was formed in 2017 and is a research collaboration between GIH and HPI – the Health Profile Institute AB.
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