Research groupResearch in Education & Movement Culture, REMO
The Research in Education & Movement Culture research group, REMO, is an interdisciplinary research group conducting research within the humanities and social sciences on topics involving movement, culture, and society.
Here you can see all publications from our research group.
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purposePeople on the move
The activities in the research group are conducted in line with GIH's research profile "People in Motion" from a salutogenic perspective of health. The group constitutes a collegial context working together to strengthen the department's research environment in order to deepen the quality and increase the scope of the research.
The group supports education and professional development, organizes research seminars, and continuously reviews the quality of research and research applications. We also lead a number of externally funded projects, collaborate with several actors in society and are active in three national graduate schools for Ph.D. students.

Our researchersProfessors
Professor, Chair of the Education and Research Committee
+46 8-120 53 832
Professor, Head of Subject Area in Physical education
+46 8-120 53 887