Study system, policies and guidelines
Here you find information about the Swedish academic year and policies and guidelines at GIH.
The Swedish academic year
The Swedish academic year is running for 40 weeks with an expected workload of 40 hours per week.
One semester is 20 weeks of full-time studies, that it 30 hp wich is equivalent to 30 ECTS.
At GIH one semester is 30 credit course and is often divided into four different course modules, that is 4x7,5 credits.
Policies and guidelines
Upon completion of the studies, an official Transcript of Records can be issued, documenting the students' performance by listing the courses taken and the ECTS credits gained.
Students who have been admitted to GIH can apply for evaluation of previous studies from another Higher Education Institution. Students who are planning to study abroad within their study programme at GIH are recommended to set up a Learning Agreement with the help of the respective Faculty Programme Director before departure.
Some of the policies and guidelines of GIH are translated into English and are listed below.
Documents for download
Here you can find some of our policies and guidelines in English:
On this page