sports scienceSubject areas
The backbone of GIH's education and research in sports science, organized into seven subject areas. Each subject area focuses on specific knowledge and perspectives in sports, physical activity, and health.
Biomechanics is the science of how forces affect a living body and how muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to move.
Physical activity and health are about how individual, psychosocial and environmental factors linked to activity can affect people's physical and mental health.
Physical education includes knowledge and teaching about various movement practices, such as ball games, outdoor activities, gymnastics, athletics, movement, and dance.
Physiology studies how living organisms function, including how the human body regulates and adapts to physical exercise, environment, and stress.
Psychology deals with how psychological factors and processes affect the individual during sports and physical activity.
Sports culture relates to the culture and organization of sports and includes areas such as communication, governance, professionalization, and commercialization.
Sports pedagogy is about education, learning, upbringing, and influence in a sports context, focusing on the opportunities for children, young people, and adults to influence their sports.
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