To GIH — The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences startpage


Search the Library's databases as SportDiscus, PubMed, Web of Science, Libris, DiVA, Mediearkivet/Retriver, ERIC and many more

As a new student, you are warmly welcome to GIH's library. You can borrow course literature and other books, use study places and computers, and search for information in databases and journals.

Use the student thesis template in word. You also find information about writing references, copyright, writing tutorial, registrating your thesis in DiVA and more.

Contact and Opening hours

The library is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10-14 and Wednesdays 12-16. Students and staff enter the premises with card during our extended opening hours with self-service.

Phone: +46 (0)8 120 53 800

Whats on?News from the library

  • Bibliotek

    Quick full text with the LibKey extension in your browser

    Make sure to install the LibKey Nomad browser extension on your computer! LibKey Nomad makes it quick and easy to access full-text articles, even if you're outside GIH or don't go through the library'...
  • Bibliotek

    Reserved books?

    When a book that you have queued for has arrived, you will receive an email that the book is available for download. You can pick up your reserved books in the reservation cabinet on the stairs up to ...
  • Bibliotek

    Guidance in information retrieval and reference management

    Are you looking for scholarly articles or need help with referencing? As a student at GIH, you can receive support in information retrieval and reference management. Choose between drop-in guidance at...

DiVA - publication database

Articles and other publications from GIH researchers, as well as the students' thesis, can be found in GIH's publication database DiVA.

Old book collection

historical collectionAbout the old book collection at the library

PhD student is studying

In the libraryThe library has study areas, computers and printers

Swedish gymnastics

Photos from the archiveDigitized photos of Swedish gymnastics about 1900