Here is a list of publications from the research group for Research in Education & Movement Culture, REMO.
Publications in DiVA
A list of the publications which are published in GIH's publication databas DiVA. The most recent publications are listed first.
- Article
Modern Skis in Nostalgic Landscapes
2025- Isak Lidström
- Article
Busier, Happier, and Good(er) – 40 Years on from ‘Busy, Happy, and Good’ as Success in Teaching Physical Education
2025- Mikael Quennerstedt,
- Dillon Landi,
- Ashley Casey
- Article
Creative dance – practising and improving … what? A study in physical education teacher education
2025- Håkan Larsson,
- Dean Barker,
- Jan-Eric Ekberg,
- Article
A PE teacher’s tale
2025- Björn Tolgfors,
- Mikael Quennerstedt,
- Erik Backman,
- Article
Giving orders or facilitating voices – Coaches’ constructions of youth in equestrian sport
2024- Thérèse Waerner,
- Britta Thedin Jakobsson,
- Karin Morgan,
- Book
Gender Performativity in Sports and Physical Education
2024- Håkan Larsson
- Book Review
[Recension av] Rebecka Andersen, I kvinnornas värld. Omsorg och tvång på uppfostringsanstalten Viebäckshemmet 1905–1947
2024- Ida Al Fakir
- Book Review
Youth sport research based on the CREATE principles, and giving young people a voice
2024- Karin Redelius
- Article
Barns motorik 1974–2024: En enkätstudie om förändringar i skolelevers motoriska kompetens
2024- Ingegerd Ericsson,
- Anna Tidén,
- Eva Andersson
- Article
Exploring student reflection in physical education practice
2024- Lars Bjørke,
- Mikael Quennerstedt
- Article
Exploring the enacted content of the Practising Model
2024- Robin Lindgren Fjellner,
- Håkan Larsson,
- Dean Barker
- Article
The dream of a universal ski wax: scientification and industrialization of ski technology in the mid-20th century
2024- Isak Lidström,
- Per Carlborg,
- Jerk Rönnols,
- Chapter
John Takman
2024- Ida Al Fakir
- Article
Kungarna på racketbanan
2024- Isak Lidström
- Article
‘They don’t have bad intentions.’ The disciplinary power of heteronormative communication in upper secondary Polish physical education – a case study
2024- Natalia Organista,
- Zuzanna Mazur,
- Håkan Larsson,
- Article
Trans People Struggling To Be Human in Sports and Exercise: Passing, Mediating, and Challenging Cis- and Heteronormativity
2024- Isak Auran,
- Åsa Bäckström,
- Håkan Larsson
- Article
Omklädningsrummet - en plats som synliggör förhandlingar om kropp, idrott och undervisning
2024- Åsa Bäckström,
- Lisa Svärling
- Chapter
Sport management
2024- Karin Book,
- Åsa Bäckström,
- Thomas Persson
- Chapter
Idrott och hälsa – 50 år från outforskad arkipelag till detaljerad djupkarta
2024- Håkan Larsson
- Chapter
Barn- och ungdomsidrottens utveckling – en framgångssaga?
2024- Karin Redelius
Showing 1 - 20 of 250
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Publications from GIH
Articles, reports, books and other things published by researchers at GIH are searchable in GIH's publication database DiVA.