Johnny Takats
Email: johnny.takats@gih.se
Phone: +46 8-120 53 788
Visiting address: Lidingövägen 1
Room: 3217
Belongs to: Department of Physical Activity and Health, Section for Health Science
Read more about my interests in teaching and research.
Health, physical activity, outdoor life, clinical placement, sports didactics.
Physical activity and cognitive effects. Physical activity and motivation.
Latest publications
- Report
En hållbar svensk skolintervention med extra pulshöjande träning – dess organisation och effekter på fysisk kapacitet och akademisk prestation.
2023- Izabela Seger,
- Annika Eklund,
- Ali Jamshidpey,
- Article
A Sustainable Swedish School Intervention with Extra Aerobic Exercise
2022- Izabela Seger,
- Suzanne Lundvall,
- Annika Eklund,
- Conference Paper
Rörelser för bättre hälsa och inlärning
2021- Izabela Seger,
- Eklund Annika,
- Ali Jamshidpey,
Showing 1 - 3 of 3
Academic title
Master's Degree in Medical Science