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Carolina Lunde

Project researcher


Phone: +46 8-120 53 796

Visiting address: Lidingövägen 1

Room: 4408

Belongs to: Department of Movement, Culture and Society, Section for Sport Management


Read more about my interests in teaching and research.

I teach psychology at the University of Gothenburg, with a main focus on developmental psychology. I teach and supervise at all levels (from undergraduate to postgraduate education) and in various courses and programs (for example, the psychology program and the teacher education program).

I also have an interest in issues of teaching and learning in higher education, especially in relation to students' health.

Broadly defined, my research interests are close to various contemporary issues that are important for the psychological development of children and young people. At GIH, I work as a project researcher in the project on "Brain health in school", where the conditions for schools to promote children's physical activity are studied.

I also run an ongoing research project, funded by the Swedish Centre for Sport Research, where the relationship between children's body image, motivation and the first grade in physical education is studied. The project is based on follow-up design and follows more than 500 children through grade 6.

Other research areas include children's and young people's peer relationships, young people's relationship with the body, harassment in school, sexual behaviour online and online-related sexual abuse.

Other information

Associate Professor of Psychology. I am also active as a senior lecturer with assignments as director of studies at the Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg.


Academic title

PhD, Docent in Psychology