Kristjan Oddsson
Email: kristjan.oddsson@gih.se
Phone: +46 8-120 53 741
Visiting address: Lidingövägen 1
Room: 1219
Belongs to: Department of Physical Activity and Health, Section for Health Science
Latest publications
- Chapter
Skador, sjukdomslära samt akut omhändertagande
2023- Eva Andersson,
- Kristjan Oddsson
- Conference Paper
Comparison of leg muscle activity levels during different fitness tests in elderly individuals using surface electromyography
2021- Jonina Oddsson,
- Kristjan Oddsson,
- A Weinback,
- Chapter
2018- Eva Andersson,
- Kristjan Oddsson,
- Philip von Rosen
Showing 1 - 3 of 16
Other information
- Lectures on injury and disease theory at Axelsons Gymnastiska Institut (massage therapist education).
- Guest lecturer at Dalarna University.
- Participated in coach training for the Swedish Volleyball Federation.
- Head instructor in CPR (Swedish Society of Cardiology).
Athletic merits
Former volleyball player and coach at the elite level, four caps for Iceland.
Academic title
Bachelor of Education in Physical Education