Ulrika Tranæus
Senior lecturer
Email: ulrika.tranaeus@gih.se
Phone: +46 8-120 53 723
Visiting address: Lidingövägen 1
Room: 1248
Belongs to: Department of Physiology, Nutrition and Biomechanics, Section for Coaching and Sport Performance Development
Read more about my interests in research.
The psychology of sports injuries, which means psychological risk factors for the occurrence of sports injuries, reactions during the injury period and rehabilitation, as well as psychological reactions in connection with return to sport or the end of the sports career. More specifically, this means identifying psychological risk factors for both traumatic injuries and overuse injuries. Based on these risk factors, suggest and evaluate strategies to prevent injuries.
There are studies that show that many athletes feel bad in connection with being injured and during ongoing rehabilitation. It is therefore interesting to evaluate what they need in terms of support and interventions during this period and in connection with returning to sport or having to (or choosing) to end their sports career.
In high-level sports, many people get injured, but also many who manage without serious or long-term injuries during their sports careers. It is therefore interesting to identify health factors for an injury-free sports career and to pass on that knowledge to give athletes the opportunity for sustainable sports.
Ongoing projects
- Karolinska football Injury Cohort (KIC), risk factors for injuries in young football-playing girls.
- Psychological risk factors for overuse injuries in athletes, a systematic review article.
- Athletes' reactions during the injury period, a systematic review article.
Selected publications
- Ivarsson, A., Johnson, U., Andersen, M. B., Tranaeus, U., Stenling, A., & Lindwall, M. (2017). Psychosocial factors and sport injuries: meta-analyses for prediction and prevention. Sports medicine, 47(2), 353-365.
- Tranaeus, U., Ivarsson, A., & Johnson, U. (2015). Evaluation of the effects of psychological prevention interventions on sport injuries: A meta-analysis. Science & Sports, 30(6), 305-313.
- Tranaeus, U., Johnson, U., Ivarsson, A., Engström, B., Skillgate, E., & Werner, S. (2015). Sports injury prevention in Swedish elite floorball players: evaluation of two consecutive floorball seasons. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy, 23(3), 899-905.
- Tranaeus, U., Johnson, U., Engström, B., Skillgate, E., & Werner, S. (2014). Psychological antecedents of overuse injuries in Swedish elite floorball players. Athletic Insight, 6(2), 155-172.
Latest publications
- Article
50 Years of Research on the Psychology of Sport Injury
2024- Ulrika Tranaeus,
- Adam Gledhill,
- Urban Johnson,
- Article
Study protocol for a prospective cohort study describing the injury characteristics in elite gymnasts in TeamGym
2024- Stefan Höög,
- Anton Arndt,
- Ulrika Tranaeus
- Conference Paper
2024- Ulrika Tranaeus,
- Alexandra Pérez Ferreirós,
- Anton Kalén,,
Showing 1 - 3 of 36
Other information
I am a trained licensed naprapath and sports psychology counselor (MA psychology specializing in sports and ongoing CBT step 1) and have worked for many years with Swedish and Norwegian elite athletes.
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