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Britta Thedin Jacobsson

Britta Thedin Jakobsson

Senior lecturer


Phone: +46 8-120 53 826

Visiting address: Lidingövägen 1

Room: 1362

Belongs to: Department of Movement, Culture and Society, Section for Educational Science


Read more about my interests in teaching, research and collaboration.

One of my teaching interests is about school and the school subject of physical education with a special focus on health. The interest concerns both subject abilities and subject-didactic issues regarding health, partly in the subject teacher education, partly in the school's teaching and in the school's overall upbringing and educational mission.

Educational sciences with a special focus on democracy, participation, pedagogical teacher and leadership, and supervision of teacher educators.

Another teaching interest is sports pedagogy, teaching about and in learning and influencing processes linked to sports and physical activity in school and its school subjects, institutions and leisure sports.

One of my research interests concerns organized children's and youth sports and its design in relation to central policy documents, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Of interest is the role of sport as a part of young people's lives, what do young people learn by participating in sports and for whom is sport available.

Another research interest is the school's overall mission that the school should offer a healthy and sustainable (learning) environment. This means that preschools and schools should strive to offer sustainable daily movement.

I am also a participant in the research group Research in Education & Movement Culture, which is an interdisciplinary research group that conducts research in the humanities and social sciences on movement, culture and society.

  • Swedish National Agency for Education
  • The Swedish Sports Confederation
  • Generation PeP

Latest publications

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Other information

Other professional qualifications

  • Group tutor training for school staff.
  • Previously worked as a teacher at Långängskolan (elementary school's younger ages), Fribergaskolan (elementary school's older ages) and Sigtuna humanistiska läroverk (high school).
  • Wellness consultant at Danderyd Hospital, 1991–1997.
  • Quality Manager Manpower Outsourcing, 1997–2000.
  • Leader and leader follow-up for Friskis & Svettis.

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Academic title

PhD in Sport Science