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Karin Kjellenberg

Karin Kjellenberg

Project researcher


Phone: +46 8-120 53 811

Visiting address: Lidingövägen 1

Room: 1242

Belongs to: Department of Physical Activity and Health, Section for Master and Research Program


Read more about my interests in research.

My dissertation is tentatively titled Physical Activity Patterns and Brain Health in Swedish Schoolchildren. In my first two studies, the correlations between physical activity patterns, fitness and brain health (mental health, cognitive abilities and school grades) are mapped.

In a small lab study, I have also investigated whether short movement breaks can be beneficial for cognition and what physiological mechanisms may be behind it. In my last study, I look at whether physical activity and fitness can predict change in school grades over time.

Within the project, we have also produced a series of popular science films and reports on the results, which can be found at Brain Health in Schools.

Other information


B.A. in Nutrition from California State University Los Angeles, is a registered dietitian and holds a Master in Sports Nutrition from St. Mary's University, Twickenham, London.

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Academic title

PhD in Sport Science