Anna Bjerkefors
Senior lecturer
Email: anna.bjerkefors@gih.se
Phone: +46 8-120 53 747
Visiting address: Lidingövägen 1
Room: 1331
Belongs to: Department of Physiology, Nutrition and Biomechanics, Section for Laboratories
Read more about my interests in research.
My research interests include applied sports science, biomechanics, motor control and parasport. My main research interest focuses on the development of evidence-based classification systems in the Paralympic sports of paracanoeing and paracycling.
Since 2012, I have been the research leader for an international project funded by the International Canoe Federation, the Centre for Sports Research and GIH with the aim of developing evidence-based classification systems in paracanoes (para-kayak and para-va'a). Para-kayak was accepted by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) as a new Paralympic sport in 2015 and debuted at the Rio 2016 Paralympics. The second discipline, para-va'a, was accepted by the IPC in 2018 and debuted in Tokyo in 2020.
Since 2015, I also work as a parasport coordinator in an interdisciplinary environment at the Swedish Sports Confederation's development center at Bosön.
Ongoing projects
- Performance and classification in para-canoeing and para-cycling.
- Classification of athletes with Cerbral Palsy (CP).
- Validation of a new trunk test battery for para-canoeing.
- Physical activity and healthy brain functions in people with spinal cord injury.
- Anti-doping in parasport.
Selected publications
- Crommert, ME, Bjerkefors, A, Tarassova, O, and Ekblom, MM. Abdominal muscle activation during common modifications of the trunk curl-up exercise. J Strength Cond Res 35(2): 428–435, 2021.
- Liljedahl JB, Bjerkefors A, Arndt A, Nooijen CFJ. Para-cycling race performance in different sport classes. Disabil Rehabil. 2020;14:1-5.
- Rosén JS, Goosey-Tolfrey VL, Tolfrey K, Arndt A, Bjerkefors A. Interrater Reliability of the New Sport-Specific Evidence-Based Classification System for Para Va'a. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2020 Mar 6; 37(3):241-252.
- Rosén JS, Arndt A, Goosey-Tolfrey VL, Mason BS, Hutchinson MJ, Tarassova O, Bjerkefors A. The impact of impairment on kinematic and kinetic variables in Va'a paddling: Towards a sport-specific evidence-based classification system for Para Va'a. J Sports Sci. 2019; 37(17):1942-1950.
- Bjerkefors A, Tarassova O, Rosén JS, Zakaria P, Arndt A. Three-dimensional kinematic analysis and power output of elite flat-water kayakers. Sports Biomech. 2018; 17(3):414-427.
- Bjerkefors A, Squair J, Chua R, Lam T, Carpenter MG. Assessment of abdominal muscle function in persons with motor complete spinal cord injury above T6 in response to transcranial magnetic stimulation. J Rehabil Med. 2015 Feb; 47(2):138-46.
- Bjerkefors A, Squair J, Malik R, Lam T, Zhen C, Carpenter MG. Diagnostic accuracy of common clinical tests for assessing abdominal muscle function after motor-complete spinal cord injury above T6. Spinal Cord. 2015 Feb; 53(2):114-9.
- Bjerkefors, A. and Thorstensson, A. Effects of kayak ergometer, training on motor performance in paraplegics. Int J Sports Med 2006:27:824-829.
Latest publications
- Article
Para sport and anti-doping: a study of Swedish Para athletes' experiences and perceptions
2024- Anna Qvarfordt,
- Göran Svedsäter,
- Kristina Fagher,
- Article
Isometric, dynamic, and manual muscle strength measures and their association with cycling performance in elite para-cyclists.
2023- Johanna Liljedahl,
- Anton Arndt,
- Carla F J Nooijen,
- Article
Kinematic and kinetic performance variables during paddling among para-kayak athletes with unilateral above or below knee amputation
2022- Johanna S Rosén,
- Anton Arndt,
- Johnny Nilsson,
Showing 1 - 3 of 33
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Photo: Thomas Carlgren

Photo: Thomas Carlgren
Academic title
Docent in Sport Science