Physical Activity for Healthy Brain Functions in School Youth
Project Leader
- Örjan Ekblom
- Department of Physical Activity and Health
Research Funders
- Knowledge Foundation
- Skandias Stiftelse Idéer för livet
Below you can read summaries about the project in English and/or Swedish. The information is taken from the publication database DiVA.
The research project "Physical Activity for Healthy Brain Functions in School Youth", abbreviated "Brain health in school", aims to investigate the relationships between habitual physical activity and healthy brain functions (i.e. good cognitive functions and good mental health), the acute neurophysiological effects of physical activity, sedentary and diet, and how schools can engage in physical activity for the promotion of healthy brain functions.
The core question of the project is: What is the relationship between physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, diet, and healthy brain functions among school youth, and how can physical activity for the promotion of brain health be implemented in a long-term sustainable way in schools?
The background to the research question is grounded in the growing mental ill health and reduced school results among children and adolescents in Sweden. Mental ill health leads not only increased suffering, but also poorer ability to study and work and a higher risk of future diseases. Impaired cognitive abilities can affect the ability to complete academic education and therefore pose a threat to Swedish competitiveness in a global perspective. The project "Brain Health in School" captures several of the global goals for sustainable development in Agenda 2030 and contributes to turning the goals into business opportunities.
With funding from the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen), researchers from GIH are collaborating on the project with the companies Coop, IKEA, Skandia, Skanska and with the non-governmental organisations Konsumentföreningen Stockholm (KFS) and The Crown Princess Couple's Foundation, Generation PEP, in an attempt to counteract the trend of mental ill health among school youth.
There is an acute lack of knowledge about the relationship between physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, as well as diet and healthy brain functions, which prevents the development of businesses as well as goods and services. Furthermore, there are knowledge gaps in how schools can arrange regular and meaningful physical activity for school youth during the school day.
The core question was investigated in three sub-projects. Research within subproject 1 produced new knowledge about the overall relationships between physical activity patterns, diet and healthy brain functions among school youth. This knowledge served as a basis for studies within subproject 2 of acute neurophysiological and psychological effects of certain physical activity as well as diet on physiological mechanisms of importance for healthy brain functions. In sub-project 3, qualitative studies were carried out on how physical activity among adolescents takes place during a normal school day and how the schools work with the goals to offer physical activity within the framework of the school day.
Two additional projects were developed based on the first three sub-projects. In the spring of 2021, the participants in sub-project 1 were contacted again to investigate how the COVID-19 pandemic that broke out in early 2020 had affected their physical activity, lifestyle and health. Results from the sub-projects were also used as a starting point for interventions in schools, where school staff in collaboration with researchers, business partners and NGOs, collaborate to find ways to regular and meaningful physical activity during the school day in order to promote healthy brain functions, see more about that project at
Forskningsprojektet ”Fysisk aktivitet för hälsosamma hjärnfunktioner bland skolungdomar”, förkortat ”Hjärnhälsa i skolan”, syftar till att undersöka förhållanden mellan vanemässig fysisk aktivitet och hälsosamma hjärnfunktioner (dvs goda tankemässiga funktioner och god psykisk hälsa), de akuta neurofysiologiska effekterna av fysisk aktivitet, stillasittande och kost, samt hur skolor kan bedriva fysisk aktivitet för främjande av hälsosamma hjärnfunktioner.
Kärnfrågan i projektet lyder: Vilket är förhållandet mellan fysisk aktivitet, stillasittande, kost och hälsosamma hjärnfunktioner bland skolungdomar, och hur kan fysisk aktivitet för främjande av hjärnhälsa på att långsiktigt hållbart sätt genomföras i skolor?
Bakgrunden till forskningsfrågan står att finna i den växande psykiska ohälsan och sänkta skolresultat bland barn och ungdomar i Sverige och de flesta andra länder i västvärlden. Psykisk ohälsa betyder inte bara ökat lidande utan också sämre förmåga att studera och arbeta och en högre risk för framtida sjukdomar. Nedsatta kognitiva förmågor kan påverka möjligheten att klara akademisk utbildning och utgör därför ett hot mot svensk konkurrenskraft i ett globalt perspektiv. Projektet ”Hjärnhälsa i skolan” fångar upp flera av de globala målen för hållbar utveckling i Agenda 2030 och bidrar till att förvandla målen till affärsmöjligheter.
Med finansiering från Kunskaps- och kompetensstiftelsen (KK-stiftelsen) samarbetar forskare från GIH i projektet med företagen Coop, IKEA, Skandia, Skanska samt med de enskilda organisationerna Konsumentföreningen Stockholm (KFS) och Kronprinsessparets stiftelse, Generation PEP, i ett försök att motverka trenden med psykisk ohälsa bland skolungdomar.
Det finns en akut brist på kunskap om förhållandet mellan fysisk aktivitet, stillasittande samt kost och hälsosamma hjärnfunktioner, vilket förhindrar utveckling av verksamheter såväl som varor och tjänster. Vidare finns det kunskapsluckor när det gäller hur skolor kan arrangera regelbunden och meningsfull fysisk aktivitet för skolbarn under skoldagen.
Kärnfrågan undersöktes i tre delprojekt. Forskning inom delprojekt 1 tog fram ny kunskap om de övergripande relationerna mellan fysiska aktivitetsmönster, kost och hälsosamma hjärnfunktioner bland skolungdomar. Denna kunskap fungerade som underlag för studier inom delprojekt 2 av akuta neurofysiologiska och psykologiska effekter av viss fysisk aktivitet samt frukost på fysiologiska mekanismer av betydelse för hälsosamma hjärnfunktioner. I delprojekt 3 genomfördes kvalitativa undersökningar kring hur fysisk aktivitet bland ungdomar sker under en vanlig skoldag och hur skolan jobbar med uppdraget att erbjuda fysisk aktivitet inom ramen av skoldagen.
Två ytterligare projekt togs fram utifrån de första tre delprojekten. Under våren 2021 kontaktades deltagarna i delprojekt 1 igen för att undersöka hur COVID-19 pandemin som bröt ut under början av år 2020 hade påverkat deras fysisk aktivitet, livsstil och hälsa. Resultat från delprojekten användes även som utgångspunkt för insatser i skolor, där skolpersonal i samarbete med forskare, affärspartners och enskilda organisationer, samverkar för att finna vägar till regelbunden och meningsfull fysisk aktivitet under skoldagen i syfte att främja hälsosamma hjärnfunktioner, se mer om det projektet här. [länk:].
Results from the project
Click on the tabs below to see videos and short reports with some of the most interesting results from the study "Brain health in school", a cross-sectional study among 1139 students in grade 7 that was conducted at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences in the autumn of 2019. More films and reports will be released in the autumn of 2023 and the spring of 2024.
Overall results on physical activity and sedentary behavior
Previous studies show that the majority of children and adolescents do not exercise enough, and this is confirmed by the study "Brain health in school". Only one-third reach the recommendations of 60 minutes of daily physical activity at moderate to high intensity, and adolescents spend three-quarters of the day sedentary.
The first results on physical activity and sedentary behaviour from the study are presented in this first film and in the report "Sedentary behaviour and movement patterns in secondary school". There are also tips on how we can stimulate a more active everyday life for young people.
Relationship between physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and health
There are large variations among children and young people in how much and in what environment they are physically active and how they feel, both mentally and physically. In this film and the report linked below, researchers from GIH present results from the study "Brain health in school" on how physical activity and sedentary behaviour are linked to adolescent health. The concept of health includes general health, sleep, stress and various measures of mental health.
The researchers found, among other things, that more physical activity and less sedentary behaviour were linked to less anxiety and better quality of life in the adolescents in the study.
Connection between screen time and health
Screen use has gradually increased among Swedish schoolchildren. The film presents results on how screen time, both on weekdays and weekends, is linked to health. The results come from the study "Brain Health in School".
Collaboration partners
The study "Brain Health in School" has been carried out in collaboration with a number of partners.
- Skandia
- Skanska
- Generation PEP/The Swedish Crown Princess Couple's Foundation
- Stockholm Consumer Cooperative Society
E-PABS research environment
This project is part of the research environment E-PABS – a centre of excellence for physical activity, brain health and sustainability.
E-PABS has three main research themes, all of which focus on brain health:
- The Neurophysiology of Exercise
- Physical Activity Epidemiology
- Sustainable behavioural change
Brain Health in Schools is a project that spans all three of these themes.
- Björg Helgadottir, GIH, Department of Physical Activity and Health
- Britta Thedin Jakobsson, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society
- Gisela Nyberg, GIH, Department of Physical Activity and Health
- Karin Kjellenberg, GIH, Department of Physical Activity and Health
- Sara Hoy, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society
- Emerald Heiland, GIH, Department of Physical Activity and Health
- Frida Lindh, GIH, Department of Physical Activity and Health
- Maria Fernström, GIH, Department of Physical Activity and Health
- Carolina Lunde, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society
- Håkan Larsson, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society
- Jonna Nilsson Horre, GIH, Department of Physical Activity and Health
- Maria Ekblom, GIH, Department of Physical Activity and Health
- Olga Tarassova, GIH, Department of Physiology, Nutrition and Biomechanics
- A randomised crossover trial of nitrate and breakfast on prefrontal cognitive and haemodynamic response functions.
- Agents of change? Exploring relations among school staff connected to daily physical activity promotion in a Swedish secondary school from a social network perspective
- Balansen mellan skärmtid, rörelse och hjärnhälsa hos unga
- Gendered relations? Associations between Swedish parents, siblings, and adolescents' time spent sedentary and physically active
- Implementing physical activity in secondary school: a case study of school staffs’ networks, knowledge, self-perceived competence and confidence in one's own capability
Funding period
- 2018 - 2023
Project type
- Project grant
National Research Field
- Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology