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SMOVE Doctoral Programme of Sustainable Movement Education

Forskarskolan SMOVE: Hållbar daglig rörelse i förskolor och skolor

Project Leader

  • Håkan Larsson


  • Department of Movement, Culture and Society

Research Funders

  • Swedish Research Council


Below you can read summaries about the project in English and/or Swedish. The information is taken from the publication database DiVA.

Increasing expectations are placed on preschools and schools to provide daily physical activity for children and youth as an integrated part of the entire school day. There is, however, limited knowledge about how to handle this assignment in sustainable ways. SMOVE, Sustainable Movement Education is a doctoral programme sponsored by The Swedish Research Council with the aim of generating scientific knowledge about how preschools and schools can sustainably provide daily movement education embedded in school practises, and to thereby create a solid research basis in teacher education on the matter. The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH), together with University of Gothenburg, Malmö University and Örebro University, jointly run the doctoral programme.

The conducted research will offer a foundation for improving the quality of a neglected area in teacher education, and it will address a range of pedagogical challenges related to sustainability in terms of lifelong learning, equity, social justice, and the conceptualisation of health. During 2022, nine doctoral students were recruited, who are now in their preliminary stages of their respective research projects. The graduate school is governed by a steering group, with representatives from each participating Higher Education Institution and one doctoral student. A network of supervisors has been established within previous doctoral programmes, which will be complemented with competence from different teacher education specialisations.

Det finns idag god kunskap om betydelsen av rörelse för barns och elevers hälsa och lärande. Ofta ifrågasätts emellertid i vilken utsträckning förskolor och skolor förmår leva upp till målsättningen i läroplaner att erbjuda barn och elever daglig rörelse. Samtidigt saknas kunskap om förskolors och skolors möjligheter att erbjuda daglig rörelse inom ramen för hela skoldagen. Vidare saknas i hög utsträckning kunskap om de pedagogiska utmaningar som är förknippade med till exempel mångfald och elevers varierande erfarenheter av deltagande i olika rörelsekulturer. Det finns en överhängande risk att insatser på området utgör kortsiktiga och isolerade händelser i vardagen som inte når alla barn och elever. Inom lärarutbildning når kunskaper om betydelsen av rörelse sällan utanför lärarutbildning i idrott och hälsa.

Forskarskolan SMOVE, Hållbar daglig rörelse i förskolor och skolor, syftar till att öka kunskapen kring de pedagogiska utmaningar som är förknippade med uppdraget att erbjuda daglig rörelse för barn och elever i förskolor och skolor, inklusive förskoleklass och fritidshem, och därmed stärka forskningsanknytningen av lärarutbildningen i detta avseende. Detta är angeläget för att landets lärarutbildningar på bästa sätt ska kunna förbereda lärare i alla skolformer för att arbeta med uppdraget. Begreppet hållbarhet är här relaterat till de pedagogiska och didaktiska utmaningar som är förknippade med livslångt lärande, likvärdighet, social rättvisa samt bärande perspektiv på rörelse, hälsa och välbefinnande.

About the SMOVE doctoral programme

SMOVE, Sustainable Movement Education in Preschools and Schools, is an educational science doctoral programme that aims to increase knowledge about the pedagogical challenges surrounding the mission to offer daily movement for children and students in preschools and schools.

The aim is also to strengthen competence in teacher education on issues of daily movement in preschools and schools.

SMOVE is arranged in collaboration between GIH, the University of Gothenburg, Malmö University and Örebro University, all of which have doctoral education in sports science.

The PhD students' dissertation projects are expected to address movement education as part of the entire school day. There is currently a lack of knowledge about how preschools and schools, including preschool classes and after-school centers, can live up to the goal of national curricula to offer children and pupils daily physical activity in a long-term sustainable way.

The concept of sustainable movement education here relates to pedagogical and didactic challenges associated with lifelong learning based on issues of equality, social justice and fundamental perspectives on movement, health, and well-being. Movement can include play, games, sports, dance, outdoor life and more.

Structure of the doctoral programme

Doctoral studies cover four years, and include courses of 60 credits, a research project of 180 credits, which leads to a doctoral degree. The education is carried out within the framework of employment as a PhD student. Teaching and other duties at the department may also be included in a PhD studentship.

Nine PhD students have been admitted to SMOVE. They conduct doctoral studies at 80 per cent of full-time for five years to be able to teach and supervise students at 20 per cent, for example.

Compulsory and elective courses

Each university's doctoral education offers compulsory and elective courses. Among the elective courses, PhD students affiliated with SMOVE take two joint courses of 7.5 credits each on themes that relate to the doctoral programme's profile. Furthermore, PhD students and supervisors are offered several joint seminars and workshops during the doctoral programme. Internationally active researchers will participate in the training.

PhD students in SMOVE

Here is a list of the PhD students from the various universities who are admitted to SMOVE.

SMOVE’s Steering Committee

SMOVE is led by a steering group consisting of a scientific leader and a coordinator from the main applicant university, GIH, a representative from each partner university and a PhD student representative. The scientific leader of the graduate school is Professor Håkan Larsson.

The steering group organizes activities, including courses, workshops, and retreats, captures experiences and views from the PhD students and follows up on the quality of the work in the doctoral programme.


Håkan Larsson

Britta Thedin Jakobsson

University of Gothenburg

Suzanne Lundvall,

Malmö University

Jan-Eric Ekberg,

Örebro University

Susanna Geidne,


Funding period

  • 2021 - 2026

Project type

  • Grant to research environment

National Research Field

  • Educational Sciences


  • Håkan Larsson´s profilbildProfessor, ämnesområdesansvarig för IdrottspedagogikHåkan Larssonhakan.larsson@gih.se08-120 53 828