To GIH — The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences startpage

Questions before DiVA registration

Before you submit your thesis to DiVA, you need to answer all the questions. This is mandatory. If you are more than one author, you all need to agree on the answers.

Answer the questions:

I will erase any consent forms and personal data (e.g. surveys and sound files) that has been used in the thesis one week at the latest after my grades are reported to LADOK * (mandatory)
I will erase any consent forms and personal data (e.g. surveys and sound files) that has been used in the thesis one week at the latest after my grades are reported to LADOK

If I do not want my personal data, e.g. e-mail or phone number, on the internet I have erased them from the PDF to be submitted in DiVA. * (mandatory)
If I do not want my personal data, e.g. e-mail or phone number, on the internet I have erased them from the PDF to be submitted in DiVA.

I have ereased any images that I do not have the copyright to, in the PDF to be submitted to DiVA * (mandatory)
I have ereased any images that I do not have the copyright to, in the PDF to be submitted to DiVA

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Last modified:18 Dec 2023