To GIH — The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences startpage


Research support

The GIH Library provides a range of services for researchers, teachers and staff at GIH. The links below lead to more information about our research support on GIH's collaboration platform.

How to get hold of the literature you need at the GIH Library or through interlibrary loans, article requests and purchases of literature

The comprehensive research support with links to the research handbook, finances, research advice with calls for proposals and support for research applications, GDPR and information management

Information about DiVA, strategic publishing, open access and costs for open access publishing

Need help or have questions?

The library's research support is available for researchers who need support in the research process.

Research data management throughout the research project life cycle

About GIH's work with open data and open access to publications VART SKA VI LÄNKA HÄR? iNGEN SIDA PÅ CONFLUENCE

Read about what the library can offer in terms of literature searches, literature reviews and reference management. Under construction.