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"At GIH you get a holistic view of health"

The health promotion program can lead to completely different opportunities than the most obvious ones. Fredrik Rosén knows this, and today he combines the knowledge from his education with his interest in marketing.

Unexpected connection

Initially, it can be a bit difficult to see the connection between the health promotion program and working with marketing. But for Fredrik Rosén, it comes quite naturally. In fact, in his role as content manager at Vitamin Well, he has great use of what he learned during his education at GIH.

– I work with marketing products that aim to contribute to a healthier lifestyle, and to be able to do that, you need knowledge about people's behaviors in terms of health and exercise and an understanding of elite athletes and exercisers. And that's really something I've taken with me from my studies, he says.

Health in a broad perspective

Fredrik has always had a great interest in sports, and pretty soon after high school he felt that he wanted to build a career around it in some way. When he wanted to get a holistic view of health and go to a sports-focused school, the choice fell on GIH and the health promotion program (which then went under the name health educator program).
– I've always been involved in sports, but after an injury I also became interested in rehabilitation and everything around the training itself. I realized that I wanted to work with physical education and health in a broader perspective.

And with the benefit of hindsight, Fredrik is very pleased with his choice of education.

– All in all, it was a very fun education. In some cases, I wish there was more room to specialise in a particular area. For example, I really got my eyes on nutrition, and would have liked to dig into it even more. But it's also an advantage that the education is as broad as it is because you get a holistic view of health and exercise, he says.

A perfect combination

But, where did marketing come into the picture? Well, during his time at GIH, Fredrik worked extra with events and his interest in marketing took off. After graduating, he chose to continue his studies at Hyper Island to supplement his education.
– I'll admit that I felt a bit lost, I didn't really know what I had to do for a living in order to have an outlet for both my interests, i.e. marketing and health issues. So when I found my current job, it was like something clicked in me, it was a perfect combination. And thanks to my education at GIH, I also became more attractive for the position.

Find your thing!

Fredrik is a good example of how an education from the health promotion program can lead to a career that at first glance does not seem completely obvious. And his advice to those who are thinking of applying for the programme is based on just that, to be open to all the opportunities that arise.
– Be honest with yourself take your own path. The education is broad and sometimes it can be difficult to know which direction to choose, but if you dare to take chances, you will eventually find your thing.

Even though Fredrik doesn't work exclusively with health and fitness today, it's still a big part of his everyday life. Both at work and in your free time.
– There is a very healthy culture at my current workplace, which suits me perfectly. I have always carried my commitment to sports and health with me, and it only strengthened during my time at GIH. I need to be in such an environment to thrive.

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Fredrik Rosén

Fredrik Rosén

Studied at:
Health Promotion Programme

Last modified:14 Nov 2023