Doctoral theses at GIH
Are you interested in reading any of the theses published by our doctoral students? Below is a list of the doctoral theses and licentiate theses written at GIH.

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Doctoral theses
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Aging muscle and anabolic resistance
2024- Oscar Horwath
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Physical Activity, Fitness, Screen Time, and Healthy Brain Functions in Adolescents
2024- Karin Kjellenberg
- Monograph Licentiate Thesis
Undervisningstaktik på hal is
2024- Sara Ridderlund
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Concurrent training for elite team sport athletes
2024- Henrik Petré
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Exploring Perceptions of Route Environments in Relation to Walking
2024- Dan Andersson
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Indetermination in creative dance
2024- Christopher Engdahl
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Movement behavior and mental health in office workers
2023- Lisa-Marie Larisch
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Cardiorespiratory fitness, physical workload, and lifestyle-related factors in occupational groups
2023- Daniel Väisänen
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Early specialising aesthetic performers
2023- Charlotte Downing
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Psychiatric disorders in Swedish elite athletes
2023- Cecilia Åkesdotter
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Skeletal muscle fiber types in man
2022- Sebastian Edman
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Barn- och ungdomsidrott till salu
2022- Jesper Karlsson
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Exercising on the edge: mitochondrial and metabolic responses to intense training
2022- Mikael Flockhart
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Towards evidence-based classification in para-cycling
2022- Johanna Liljedahl
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Movement Behaviors and Cognitive Health for Office Workers
2022- Emil Bojsen-Møller
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Performance determinants and classification in paracanoe
2021- Johanna Rosén
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Sport in youth detention
2021- Daniel Roe
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Athletic Sprint Start Biomechanics
2021- Paul Nicolas Sandamas
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Determinants of intra-individual variation in adaptability to resistance training of different volumes
2021- Daniel Hammarström
- Comprehensive Doctoral Thesis
Bilateral kinetic, kinematic, neuromechanical, and muscle-tendon properties of habitual runners
2021- Tiago Canal Jacques
Showing 1 - 20 of 82
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