12 September 2023
SEK 5 million to reduce dropouts
The Swedish ESF Council contribution will help investigate whether improved mental health, cognition, and school performance in school youth reduce dropout.

Extended school days
About a thousand boys and girls in grade 8 in Stockholm County participate will during a year extend their school day by 60 minutes three times per week.
– During this time, they must have different physical activities, walking with audiobook listening and homework support with a movement break. The school staff are responsible for the activities and receive support and inspiration from the researchers, says Gisela Nyberg, university lecturer and project manager at GIH.
Physical activity and sedentary time
Their physical activity and sedentary time are recorded using an osmometer. The students must also answer a questionnaire and take various computer memory tests that measure their cognitive abilities. All measurements are carried out one week before and one week after the end of the project.
During the school year, the research group also evaluates the project through regular observations to investigate whether there are promoting or hindering factors for the implementation. In addition, interviews and focus groups are conducted with teachers, school leaders, and school students.
– This requires new strategies for preventive work, and we hope this study’s results will contribute to promoting equal physical and mental health among students. Hopefully, it can help young people get passing grades to a greater extent and reduce the risk of dropping out, says Gisela Nyberg.
Collaboration partners
Skandia, IKEA, The Swedish Crown Princess Couple´s Foundation/Generation Pep, Storytel, SATS, Permobil, Karolinska Institute and Linné University are participating in the project. It also occurs in collaboration with selected schools and the Sports and Education Administrations in The City of Stockholm. The project is part of GIH's Center of Excellence E-PABS.
More information about The Swedish ESF Council External link, opens in new window.
Professor Gisela Nyberggisela.nyberg@gih.se08-120 53 806
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