13 September 2023
Investing in working life and health
Forte invests just over SEK 23 million for GIH´s research program to update occupational healt care and reduce the health gap.

Reducing the health gap
Forte invests SEK 230 million in research programs on health promotion and preventive measures to meet today's public health challenges. GIH will get SEK 23 million to its research program.
– It is very welcoming that for six years, with support from Forte we can continue to strengthen research on health in working life, focusing on reducing the health gap in society, says GIH researcher and project manager Elin Ekblom Bak.
More inclusive occupational health care
The research program WORK TOGETHER consists of three parts containing five projects together. The first part will evaluate the reach and effectiveness of an existing occupational health service program over the past 30 years, focusing on underrepresented and high-risk groups. In the second part, the current occupational health service program is to be developed and updated with employees, employers, and occupational health (so-called co-creation). In the third part, the updated program will be implemented, and its efficiency, effectiveness, and the experience of it will be examined.
– Our research program will contribute to developing a more inclusive, efficient, evidence-based, and sustainable occupational health care. We want to reduce health gaps and create a more sustainable working life over time, says Elin Ekblom Bak.
Collaboration partners
Researchers from The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Umeå University, and Uppsala University are participating in the research program, collaborating closely with collaboration partners HPI Health Profile Institute and the Swedish Association of Occupational Health and Safety. In addition, an Advisory Board with three internationally leading researchers in the field is included.
Read more on Forte's website External link, opens in new window.
Professor, studierektor, högskolelektorElin Ekblom Bakelin.ekblombak@gih.se08-120 53 861
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