26 June 2023
SEK 4.3 million to GIH
GIH has received a research grant of SEK 4.3 million from The Knowledge Foundation. The grant will go towards research into disentangling the link between neighborhoods active lifestyles, and healthy brain aging.
How big is the effect from neighboring?
GIH's research group and the three partner companies, Statisticon AB, Tyréns Sverige AB, and Health Profile Institute AB, will research how the surroundings of neighbors affect the healthy behaviors and brain aging of adults and seniors. The research project uses an interdisciplinary approach to clarify whether an ideal neighborhood environment promotes brain health in aging.
- Increasing age is a significant risk factor for neurodegenerative disorders. We want to understand the extent to which neighbors may influence the brain health of older people, and how this influence may be mediated by long-term healthy behaviors, says Rui Wang, Associate Professor and responsible researcher for the project.
Determine the best recommendations
With GIH's research team and partner companies, Rui Wang will explore and determine the best recommendations for neighborhood environments for adults and seniors.
- Our society has a significant challenge with an aging population. By creating age-friendly environments that promote individual health, the risk of dying from brain damage is reduced in both risk groups and the elderly public. This is in line with sustainable goals that benefit society. Through the collaboration with the three companies and support from The Knowledge Foundation, we can explore how significant the neighborhood plays in the connection between healthy behaviors and brain health – an area that has not been researched much, says Rui Wang.
Connected to E-PABS
To facilitate project planning, Statisticon AB will evaluate the socio-economic component of the neighborhood, and Tyréns Sverige AB will contribute expertise to examine the physical features of the community and Health Profile Institute AB with the understanding of the connection between neighborhood factors, lifelong healthy behaviours, and brain health.
- We look forward to carrying out this research project and expect the results to influence environmental policy and shape future research decisions to promote healthy aging, says Rui Wang.
The project is connected to GIH's research group Center of Excellence E-PABS and is expected to last until the turn of 2027.
- Docent, högskolelektorRui Wangrui.wang@gih.se08-120 53 851
- Professor, prorektor, forskningsledareMaria Ekblommaria.ekblom@gih.se08-120 53 736
- KommunikatörLouise Ekströmlouise.ekstrom@gih.se08-120 53 711