Den skandinaviska idrottsmodellen
7.5 högskolepoäng.
Deltid 50%.
The course aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of "The Scandinavian Sport Model" by accounting for, discussing and comparing the constitution, significance, role, organization, and governance of sports in the Scandinavian countries. Furthermore, the course aims to examine the impact of societal circumstances and changing processes on the development of sports, primarily focusing on Scandinavia but also considering global perspectives.
Vårterminen 2025
Anmälan stängd
Distans (campus) | Dagtid | 50%
Distans (campus)
Vår 2025, vecka 13
Obligatoriska sammankomster
Den skandinaviska idrottsmodellenKursansvarig
Joakim ÅkessonKurskod
Om urvalsmodellerBehörighetskrav
Grundläggande behörighet för grundnivå. Inga särskilda behörighetskrav.
Vårterminen 2025
Anmälan stängd
Distans (internet) | Dagtid | 50%
Distans (internet)
Vår 2025, vecka 13
Obligatoriska sammankomster
Den skandinaviska idrottsmodellenKursansvarig
Joakim ÅkessonKurskod
Om urvalsmodellerBehörighetskrav
Grundläggande behörighet för grundnivå. Inga särskilda behörighetskrav.
About the course
By discussing similarities and differences between the Scandinavian Sport Model and other sport models worldwide, students will gain a nuanced understanding of various approaches to sports governance and organization. Additionally, the course aims to foster critical thinking by prompting students to reason about how ongoing societal processes influence sports in Scandinavian countries. By anticipating the consequences of these changes, participants will be better equipped to envision the future landscape of sports and the implications for the sporting world as a whole.
The course aims are as follows. After the course, the students shall be able to:
- explain and discuss the constitution of "The Scandinavian Sport Model",
- account for and compare the significance, role, construction, organisation and governance of sport in the Scandinavian countries,
- discuss what significance societal circumstances and change processes have had for the development of sport, primarily in the Scandinavian countries, but also in the other parts of the world,
- discuss similarities and differences between the Scandinavian Sport Model and sport models in other parts of the world,
- reason about how ongoing societal processes influences sport in the Scandinavian countries and what consequences these changes might have för sport of the future.
Two different formats
This course is offered in two different formats. You can choose between a completely remote format or a hybrid format, combining recorded lectures online, with live lectures and/or seminars on campus. You can read more about the different formats of the course below
The course delivered through a completely IT-based distance format, providing students with flexibility and accessibility to engage with the material remotely. Through a combination of recorded lectures and live lectures and seminars online, participants will have the opportunity to experience a dynamic learning environment tailored to their needs.
Recorded lectures offer the convenience of self-paced learning, allowing students to revisit key concepts at their own convenience. Live seminars complement this structure by facilitating real-time interaction, discussion, and engagement with instructors and peers. This hybrid approach ensures a rich educational experience that combines the benefits of flexibility with valuable opportunities for collaboration and engagement.
The live lectures and/or seminars will be conducted at set times every or every second week during the course according to a schedule that will be set four weeks before the course starts, at the latest.
The course is examined through a small project work, together with a written essay
The course delivered through a hybrid format, combining recorded lectures online, with live lectures and/or seminars on campus. Through a combination of recorded lectures and live lectures and seminars, participants will have the opportunity to experience a dynamic learning environment tailored to their needs.
Recorded lectures offer the convenience of self-paced learning, allowing students to revisit key concepts at their own convenience. Live seminars complement this structure by facilitating real-time interaction, discussion, and engagement with instructors and peers. This hybrid approach ensures a rich educational experience that combines the benefits of flexibility with valuable opportunities for collaboration and engagement.
The live lectures and/or seminars will be conducted on campus at set times every or every second week during the course according to a schedule that will be set four weeks before the course starts, at the latest.
The course is examined through a small project work, together with a written essay.
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