Hans Rosdahl
E-post: hans.rosdahl@gih.se
Telefon: 08-120 53 737
Besöksadress: Lidingövägen 1
Rum: 1336
Tillhör: Institutionen för fysiologi, nutrition och biomekanik, Sektionen för laboratorier
Läs mer om mina intressen inom forskning.
My general research interests are located in the fields of physiology, biomechanics and sport science. Specials interests are sited into performance development of elite athletes and the role of physically active commuting in the general population for sustainable health and environment.
Additionally, I have a pronounced interest in sports technology and method development, thus I work with both developing, validating and applying new methods to gain further knowledge in the general research fields above.
Current projects
- Performance optimization in sprint kayaking and para canoeing with new technology for technique and race analysis and training monitoring.
- Concurrent strength and endurance training in well-trained team sport athletes.
- Validity and reliability for measurements of oxygen uptake and related variables with the Vyntus CPX Metabolic Cart.
- Physically Active Commuting in Greater Stockholm (PACS).
Representative publications
- Rosdahl H., Calbet, J., Sheel W. A., Boushel R. (2017). Physiology of Canoeing, in Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science, Don McKenzie and Bo Berglund, Eds., New York: Wiley-Blackwell Pub, 2019 s.47-61.
- Nilsson JE, Rosdahl HG. Contribution of Leg Muscle Forces to Paddle Force and Kayak Speed During Maximal Effort Flat-Water Paddling. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2016 Jan;11 (1): 22-7.
- Petré H., Hemmingsson E., Rosdahl H., Psilander N. Development of Maximal Dynamic Strength During Concurrent Resistance and Endurance Training in Untrained, Moderately Trained, and Trained Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta‑analysis. Sports Medicine (2021) 51:991–1010https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-021-01426-9
- Rosdahl H, Gullstrand L, Salier-Eriksson J, Johansson P, Schantz P. Evaluation of the Oxycon Mobile metabolic system against the Douglas bag method. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 May 109(2):159–171
- Ainegren M, Jensen K, Rosdahl H. Breathing resistance in metabolic systems: its effects on pulmonary ventilation and oxygen uptake in elite athletes with high aerobic power. Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2020, Vol 234 (3) 217-226, DOI:10.1177/1754337120919609
- Schantz P, Salier Eriksson J, Rosdahl H. Perspectives on exercise physiology and behaviors of commuter cycling in relation to health outcomes. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2020, Section of Exercise Physiology, E-ISSN 2624-9367, Vol. 2, article-id 65
- Salier Eriksson J, Olsson K, Rosdahl H, Schantz P, Heart Rate Methods Can Be Valid for Estimating Intensity Spectrums of Oxygen Uptake in Field Exercise. Front. Physiol., July 2021, Vol 12 https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.687566
Senaste publikationer
- Artikel i tidskrift
A New Versatile Jig for the Calibration and Validation of Force Metrics with Instrumented Paddles in Sprint Kayaking.
2024- Hans Rosdahl,
- David Aitken,
- Mark Osborne,
- Artikel i tidskrift
Effects of different recovery periods following a very intense interval training session on strength and explosive performance during a power training session in elite female ice hockey players
2024- Henrik Petré,
- Fredrik Tinmark,
- Hans Rosdahl,
- Artikel i tidskrift
Perceived exertion can be lower when exercising in field versus indoors
2024- Karin Sofia Elisabeth Olsson,
- Ruggero Ceci,
- Lina Wahlgren,
Visar 1 - 3 av 60
Övrig information
- Har varit elitaktiv inom kanot.
- SM-tecken i Canadensarpaddling 1984, 1985 och 1987.
- VM deltagare 1985 och 1987.
- Stora Grabbars märke 1987.
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Foto: Thomas Carlgren

Foto: Thomas Carlgren
Akademisk titel
Docent, Dr i medicinsk vetenskap
Folkhälsa, inriktning fysisk aktivitet
Tillämpad idrottsvetenskap