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The PAradox project: Physical overload in individuals with physically demanding jobs - what does it look like and what can be done about it?

The PAradox project: Fysisk överbelastning hos individer med fysiskt krävande arbeten - hur ser det ut och vad kan göras åt det?

Project Leader

  • Elin Ekblom Bak


  • Department of Physical Activity and Health

Research Funders

  • Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare


Below you can read summaries about the project in English and/or Swedish. The information is taken from the publication database DiVA.

Research problem and specific questions

Blue-collar workers often face physical job demands that exceed their aerobic capacity, potentially leading to an overload. The project study overload in blue-collar workers with physically demanding jobs, and evaluate a potential solution for achieving a healthy balance between daily activity and recovery among these workers. The project consists of 3 inter-related work packages (WPs):

- WP 1. Evaluating overload in blue-collar workers. Study the variation in daily physical workload, readiness and overload-related health outcomes among bluecollar workers with physically demanding jobs and low aerobic capacity.
- WP 2. Investigating effects of a standard vs. an adaptive workplace exercise intervention. Investigate how readiness and the overload-related health outcomes change in response to a standardised or a novel adaptive workplace exercise intervention.
- WP 3. Evaluating experiences and potential implementation of the interventions. Explore experiences of the interventions, and potential barriers and facilitators for implementation.

Data and method

WP1: We will study blue-collar workers (n=100) with physically demanding jobs and low fitness, monitoring their physical workload, readiness, and health outcomes over 4 weeks.
WP2: The workers will randomly assigned to either a standard or adaptive exercise protocol for 12 weeks, conducted during paid work hours.
WP3: We will conduct semi-structured interviews and focus groups interviews with participants and representatives of their employer.

Societal relevance and utilisation

The project will significantly contribute to understanding overload in blue-collar workers, and developing measures and potential solutions for achieving a more sustainable work-life over time for them. Inclusion of stakeholders and end-users in the project enables knowledge transfer for potential real-world implementation.

Plan for project realisation

The project includes a strong cross-disciplinary scientific expertise including 8 researchers from 3 institutions, along with 3 collaborating partners representing stakeholders and end-users. It features preliminary results, clear project management and defined roles. Potential risks are identified and proposed risk mitigation measures are available. Salary costs for participating research staff constitute most of the budget.


Individer med fysiskt krävande jobb riskerar överbelastning när arbetskraven överstiger deras fysiska kapacitet. Projektet undersöker överbelastning hos individer med fysiskt krävande arbete och utvärderar en potentiell lösning för att främja en hälsosam balans mellan fysisk aktivitet och återhämtning. Det består av 3 work-packages med följande syften:

- WP1. Undersöka överbelastning hos arbetare med fysiskt krävande arbeten. Studera variationen i daglig fysisk arbetsbelastning, “readiness” och olika överbelastningsrelaterade ohälsoutfall hos individer med fysiskt krävande arbete och låg fysisk kapacitet.
- WP2. Jämföra effekterna av en standardiserad vs. en adaptiv träningsintervention. Undersöka hur ”readiness” och de överbelastningsrelaterade ohälsoutfallen förändras i relation till en standardiserad vs. en adaptiv arbetsplatsintervention med fokus på fysisk aktivitet och återhämtning.
- WP3. Utvärdera upplevelser och möjligheter till implementering av interventionerna Utforska upplevelser av interventionerna och potentiella hinder och facilitatorer för implementering under arbetstid.

Data och metod

WP1: Daglig fysisk arbetsbelastning, ”readiness” för fysisk aktivitet samt överbelastningsrelaterade ohälsoutfall monitoreras under 4 veckor hos individer med fysiskt krävande arbeten och låg fysisk kapacitet (n=100).
WP2: Deltagarna från WP1 kommer slumpmässigt att väljas för att delta i en standardiserad eller adaptiv arbetsplatsintervention med fokus på fysisk aktivitet och återhämtning under 12 veckor, genomförd under arbetstid.
WP3: Semistrukturerade intervjuer och fokusgruppsintervjuer kommer att genomföras med deltagare och representanter från deras arbetsgivare.

Samhällsrelevans och nyttiggörande

Projektet kommer att förbättra förståelsen kring överbelastning hos arbetare med fysiskt krävande arbeten, för utveckling av potentiella lösningar för att uppnå en mer hållbar balans mellan fysisk belastning och återhämtning över tid för dem. Inkludering av intressenter och slutanvändare möjliggör kunskapsöverföring för potentiell implementering i arbetslivet.


Projektet bygger på en stark tvärvetenskaplig vetenskaplig expertis med 8 forskare från 3 olika institutioner, samverkan med 3 samarbetspartners som representerar intressenter och slutanvändare, samt preliminära resultat. Potentiella risker har identifierats och föreslagna riskhanteringsåtgärder finns tillgängliga. Lönekostnader utgör största delen av budgeten.


The PAparadox project is a unique research project that combines occupational physiology with a highly topical public health challenge to study physical overload among workers with physically demanding jobs.

The project aims to understand how overload occurs when the work demands exceed the individual's physical capacity, to evaluate a method that can contribute to a healthy balance between physical exertion and recovery, and to understand if and how the method could be implemented and used during working hours.

The research group is interdisciplinary with extensive experience and expertise in areas such as physiology, occupational health sciences and epidemiology. Three key collaboration partners contribute with complementary expertise. The project is funded by FORTE.

The project is divided into three parts

Overview of the project's work packages.

The research project consists of three interrelated parts (Work Packages, WP). Below is more information about the three parts of the program.


Although epidemiological studies suggest that high physical workload may have adverse health effects, understanding of the underlying physiological and mental mechanisms that may explain this association is limited.


Study the variability in daily physical workload, readiness, and overload-related effects on metabolic, circulatory, and mental health outcomes in workers in physically demanding occupations with low aerobic capacity.


To investigate this, we will include workers (n=100) in physically demanding occupations with low fitness, and monitor their physical workload, readiness and above health outcomes for 4 weeks.


It is important to adapt exercise advice to each individual's needs, especially for people with physically demanding jobs. However, today there is a lack of reliable tools and solutions to do this, and we know little about how this advice differs from the general recommendations that are often given to groups.


Investigate how readiness and overload-related effects on metabolic, circulatory, and mental health outcomes change in response to a 12-week adaptive workplace training program that aligns daily exercise recommendations with readiness, in comparison to a standardized exercise program.


To investigate this, we will randomly allocate the study participants in WP 1 to either the adaptive or standardized training program. The training sessions take place during working hours, and health outcomes will be measured before, as well as after 6 and 12 weeks.


While interventions can be feasible and successful in research studies with highly motivated participants, their implementation in real-world settings is often more challenging.


Explore study participants' experiences of the adaptive or standardized training program, and identify potential barriers and enablers for implementation during working hours, from the perspective of both participants and employers.


To investigate this, we will a) include a sample of participants from WP2 and conduct semi-structured individual interviews, and b) include a sample of participants and representatives of their employers and conduct semi-structured individual interviews and focus group interviews.

Funding period

  • 2025 - 2027

Project type

  • Project grant

National Research Field

  • Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology

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