Rum 1505
Joint International Lecture on Physical Activity and Health
Join us for an exciting lecture given jointly by Dr Atefe Tari and Prof Ulrik Wisløff from NTNU on physical activity and health!

Dr Tari: Do Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Hold the Key to Prevent Dementia?
Dr Tari studies how exercise and fitness are important for brain function and how the molecular mechanisms of physical activity can be used to inform novel therapies for neurodegeneration and dementia. Based at the Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging at NTNU, Dr Tari is currently the principle principle investigator of the ExPlas study, which investigates whether trained blood plasma transfusions can slow or reverse disease progression in Alzheimer’s disease.
Read more about Atefe Tari’s research here: External link.
Prof Wisløff: Translational physical activity research going from populations to cells and back again
Prof Wisløff studies how the benefits of exercise training can be optimised to improve health and how technology can facilitate exercise adherence. As the Head of the Cardiac Exercise Research Group at NTNU, Prof Wisløff’s group has translated basic experimental evidence into clinical trials within a remarkably short timeframe, with research spanning from molecules to society, and back again.
Read more about Prof Wisløff’s research here: External link.
Time: 10.00 - 11.00 am, Nov 8th 2024
Place: Room 1506, GIH, Lidingövägen 1, Stockholm
The lecture is open to researchers and students. If you are unable to attend in person, online attendance is possible by registering at External link..
For questions, email the organizer: