Welcome to GIH
About GIH
Welcome to GIH, the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences. Founded in 1813, GIH is the top Swedish centre of knowledge within sports, physical activity and health. Situated next to the beautiful arena Stockholms Stadion from 1912, GIH offers programmes preparing for the teaching profession in Physical Education as well as for careers in Sport Coaching, Sport Management and Preventive Health.
GIH has a long and impressive legacy. In 1813, Pehr Henrik Ling founded the educational institution Gymnastiska Centralinstitutet (Royal Gymnastics Central Institute),GCI, in Stockholm. He then developed the Ling gymnastics, a strong contribution to the history of international pedagogy.
Our press officer provides reporters with information about the university, our research and education, as well as contacts with our researchers, teachers and management.
GIH is centraly situated on a beautiful hill just north of the Olympic Stadion. The location next to classic sports arenas and a beautiful eco park is ideal, offering both natural and cultural values as well as excellent opportunities for sports and recreation.
ContactGet in touch with us
Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH
Box 5626
SE-114 86 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 120 53 700
E-mail: registrator@gih.se
International office: international@gih.se
News in englishNews
Attend the Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics. The XXX Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics 2025 will be held in Stockholm on July 27-31.
During 16-17 October, you will have the chance to listen to two international lectures on orthopaedics, physiotherapy and sports science. There will also be two parallel seminars and you will have the...
NewsOn Januari 31 at 13.00 pm, Oscar Horwath will defence his thesis "Aging muscle and anabolic resistance: from whole muscle to the single fiber level".
Brochure about GIHThe Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences - GIH
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences – GIH, next to Stockholm Stadium, is Sweden’s foremost knowledge centre for sport, physical activity and health. Here, subject teachers in physical education, coaches, sport scientists, health promotors and sport managers are educated. GIH conducts advanced research in the field of sport, often in close collaboration with the sports movement, schools, society and with Swedish and international universities and colleges.